10 things every Indian IB student hears

The internet is full of things IB students hear during or even after their course, but nowhere could I find a list of things that are heard exclusively (or maybe not so exclusively) by Indian IB students. And so, I have produced a list that I’m sure many of my fellow Indian IBDP students will find relatable.

Disclaimer: Not everybody does this. I’m not trying to mock any board/ institution/ nation/ person. All boards are equal, IB is not inferior or superior. I love India. I love Indians. I love IB (…). I love life. I love people. I love the universe and all its constituents. I am not imitating any person or thing- living or dead. Conditions apply. All rights reserved ®©™ and whatever else is needed.

10 things every Indian IB student hears:

1. The most annoying one- “Which stream are you doing?”










2. “What is this IB?”













3. “International bac-u-la-ret? Some new thing?”















4. “The Indian board is so much tougher; IB is nothing.”









5. “Why are you so addicted to your computer?”














6. (After your IB results come out) “What percentage?”













7. “You’re so weird, you got 45 and you’re celebrating! 45% is not that good.”










8. “You wrote an essay again? Show me (starts looking for a sheet of paper)”














9. “Why do you carry your laptop to school?”









To party with it. Duh!





10. An unusual one someone once asked me- “What does CAS mean? Commerce and Science?”


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